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Root Cause Therapy

Root Cause Therapy is a powerful style of therapy which assists people in getting to the root-cause of their current presenting symptoms. This modality heals painful emotions and traumas rather than just treating the symptoms. 


Root Cause Therapy is a combination of talk therapy and trauma healing which works on all levels of consciousness; mental, emotional, physical and spiritual to get to the root cause and heal the pain from people’s past or perceived future that may be presently still affecting them today.


The very structured and methodical style of therapy allows the practitioner to know exactly what to do and what to focus on at each step of the session, to create a framework for healing to occur in a safe and comprehensive way, avoiding any assumptions or guesswork as to why someone is the way they are which is blocking them from inner peace, healing and recovery.


The power of this method lies in the way that it works on all levels of our mind. The conscious mind, so you reading this now and the unconscious mind - where our automatic learnt behaviours and bottled up emotions reside.


This type of healing creates a space for you to unravel why you do, think or feel the way you do - and discover and shift any unwanted patterns consciously, with you in the driving seat along with the knowledge and guidance of your therapist.

Not only are we working on the Root-Cause of issues, in each session we use what is called a ‘Testing Sheet’. This allows us to closely monitor subtle shifts and changes - to give you tangible data, and your qualified therapist pinpointed priorities in each session based on your goals. 


The modality originated from the creator, Melissa Hiemann, who was originally trained in NLP, to find a way to release her anxiety and substance abuse via releasing trapped negative emotions - rather than reframing the emotions and causing more disharmony in oneself.  Melissa is a founder and therapist at the Centre for Healing and an all-round amazing, kind and generous person.



If you'd like to take the next step, contact us today to make an appointment.

03) 9369 6873

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